Hey there! With track season in full swing, I thought it would super fun to share with you all what’s in my track duffle, plus share a packing list for your track bag so you don’t miss a single thing on race day! I’ll be sharing some recommended stuff and reviewing some of what I use. Let’s get packing!

DUFFLE BAG: Make sure you get a nice, big sports duffle that will be able to hold plenty. I have the Adidas duffle shown in the picture and so far have loved it for both Cross Country an Track. It’s big enough that it holds all my stuff, but folds down into a small, store-able size when I’m not using it. One con of this duffle is that it isn’t super water proof, which may be somewhat of an issue for rainy Spring track meets. Overall, a good choice for a nice size duffle.

EXTRA CLOTHES: Where I live, track meets can be downright cold, windy, and terrible when it comes to weather. Extra layers are essential. I always bring along leggings, a long sleeve shirt, and sweats. For layering under my uniform, I need to make sure that the leggings and shirt are tight fitted and black. I absolutely love Saucony brand stuff for this. Their clothes are designed for runners and are warm yet breathable. As for my warm ups (sweats and hoodie) I use the set I bought through my school. I do occasionally like to bring along extras just in case they get super wet or muddy.

Airpods: For warming up, long waits in team camp between my races, or cooling down with the team, I like to have my airpods just in case. I usually don’t use them much (if at all) because I’m usually chatting with the team or cheering them on, but it’s nice to have them if I need.

Hair Ties/ Clip: I usually have my hair done in a tight style that lasts for a whole meet, but extras never hurt to have in case of bad hair days.

Deodorant: Pretty self explanatory. I use and love Native brand deodorant. It usually lasts for most of the day and works for when I run. I also like the lighter smells they have because strong scents can bother me, plus its a more natural option.

Sunscreen: Helpful on sunny days. I use a SPF protection + moisturizer combo for some added protection on super windy days. I like the Cerave brand for this. It’s not super expensive but it works well and feels nice on my face.

Lip gloss: My lips always get super dry when I race. I love to have a little something to help with that. Yummy gloss is amazing, I literally love it! I don’t recommend this for helping dry lips though, but it does help protect them from wind and becoming dry. Maybe have another option for after races (a chap-stick instead of a gloss) to help with extremely dry lips.

A little money: This is always helpful to have just in case. I’ve found myself wanting a little extra cash for concessions on more than one occasion.

Waterproof Bag: I like to bring along a small waterproof bag just in case of lots of rain so I have a safe spot for my phone, airpods, and any other items that may get damaged in water.

Shoes: Of course you’ll need your spikes! I also like to bring along my Birkenstocks for post-race hanging out in team camp. I absolutely love my Birkenstocks and find they work so well for an easy, cute slip on for after my races and cooldowns.

Blanket: Imagine 40 degrees, wind, and the sun going down. Yep. Track meets can be cold! I love having a blanket and it’s definitely one of the most used items in my track bag.

Extra socks: Between races, I like to change my socks if it’s super wet out. I hate racing in soggy socks. I recommend Smart wool socks, Saucony running socks, or Nike running socks.

Gum: Love having this with me.

Snacks: Never go to a track meet without some snacks. I like granola bars, especially ones with protein.

Water: This one doesn’t need explained :).

Sunglasses: Some meets, when I’m trying to watch a race and the sun is right in my eyes, having sunglasses is really nice.

Well, there you have it . My track bag and everything in it! Do you have a favorite thing to have in your sports duffle? I’d love to hear about it! Have great rest of your week!

One response to “Track bag essentials.”

  1. Briar Albaugh Avatar

    For XC, I always brought three pairs of shoes with me: a pair of my training tennis shoes in case the course was not suitable for spikes, my spikes, and Crocs for after the race. And of course, it’s always great to have extra money for consessions😜!

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